2008 was an amazing year. I had so many photo opportunities. I still can not believe it. God was indeed very kind to me. I worship you, my Lord. He has blessed me through many people. People who gave me opportunities to photograph events - thank you Emma, thank you Paul and Caz and friends at AEMA. Thank you Clint.
At NAB, I was able to mix business with pleasure, literally. Thank you very much Jill, Amanda, Jessica, Suzanne, Belinda, Nathalie, Craig and so many others. Many encouraged me and inspired me like Brett, Christine, Magdalena, Patrik, Wayne, Gary, Matt and David, I've learnt heaps from you.
Thank you very much John, your eagerness and dedication humbles me. Thank you Catherine, Marilyn and Boby for giving me opportunities to serve you. Hopefully, I can serve you again very soon.
All, thank you so much for your friendship, I wish you every success, happiness and good health in 2009. Looking forward to rubbing shoulders with you again in 2009.
To all who were in front of my camera, I thank you too. The pics were good because of you. There have been some amazing people I've come across - Wendy, Simon and Kerrie just to mention a few. You guys inspire me.
Lou, I am going to miss you in 2009, love to do a shoot together, of Taekwondo or whatever. I am going to miss Olivia. ;_;
A big thank you to my dear wife for your love, support and encouragement throughout my photography journey in 2008. Thank you for the many opportunities to photograph food (and get to eat them too). They look great and taste even better. Now that we are both armed with dSLR camera, I hope my role has not become redundant. Guys, you should check out her work here.. makes mine look like child's play...
Last but not least, thank you all for reading my blog. I hope you have enjoyed it. All the best for the year 2009. God bless.
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